Jordan Zipp Yoder's Spray Painted Mosaic Curious about tickets?

Curious about the event? Tickets are currently on sale but, whatever; Read on:

Mosaic Experiment is an official Burning Man Regional Event... What this means is that our community is an acknowledged extension of the Burning Man Project.

While Mosaic is NOT Burning Man, Mosaic IS a burn. The 10 principles apply. Art... Creativity...  Generosity...  Individualism...  Community... Manic energy...  In abundance.

Curious about what you need in order to ensure a positive burn experience? Definitely read the survival guide.

Curious about ways you can strengthen this community and enable a positive collective experience? Volunteer!

We are a community of Burners. We come from everywhere. We do everything. We are a gathering of Humanity. We come from anywhere. We do anything. We are a family. We come to relate.

You know what you want to do. Tickets are LIVE. There are only 350 of them.

Intention is everything. Intention with a ticket is a burn. Go.