Meet The MORG Events Announced

Curious how a burn comes together? Ever wondered who are these mysterious (or at the very least adorably quirky, creative and mostly friendly) individuals who make Mosaic happen? Have ideas to share? Want to learn about becoming part of the merrymaking band of misfits we call the MORG (aka Mosaic organizers)? Want to find a new ways to contribute to our community that gathers?


- Feb 11th (Thurs): Starting session 8:00 PM

- March 11th (Thurs): Starting Session 8:00 PM

- April 11th (Sun): Starting Session 2:00 PM

Here is the link for our Feb 11th session:

It's a chance to take you behind the scenes and let you meet some amazing burners (we all need that right now). This is meant to be more of a conversation than a lecture as TACO's own Showman will be shepherding a mix of the MORG members each gathering. Join us as we kick around information about what's involved in Mosaic Experiment and please know that we also want to hear your questions, ideas and more!