Mosaic Experiment 2022 Returns With Dates, Theme, and a New Video Podcast!

Mosaic Experiment is planning to return to Reclaim this year from September 29th to October 2nd, 2022.

We're also flipping the switch on last year's theme to become Off and On Again in order to give everyone who began creating art for last year's theme the chance to show it off back in the razorgrass.

Finally, this year we are starting up our official Mosaic Video Podcast series, called Out of the Mud, hosted by everyman and Corvus where we give you updates about the burn, talk about important issues in society, showcase artwork from the community, and host special guests from the burn community.

We're proud to unveil our very first episode today and invite you all to watch! If you like what you see and would like to contact us to showcase your art, activism, or to be a guest, just send us an email at