Burner Resume: Beric (aka papa bear aka Meric)

Burner Handle(s): Beric.... aka papa bear ... aka Meric

Defaultia Region of Origin: Cleveland

Home Burn: Mosaic

Years of Servitude, ahem, Volunteering: 4years

Role(s): Lead Medic and DPW First mate

Why do you do it? Someone has to do it and I'm good at it. It also recharges me... helping people.

How does your deptartment matter? We keep the party going. We alleviate pain.

How does volunteering improve your burn/make you happy/work for you? I recharge my batteries with every smile.

Why should someone consider volunteering for you? I'm fun to be around.

What's your best burner skill? Hugs... I'm a master at giving hugs.

What's your choice nugget of wisdom for a virgin burner? Keep your mind open, and prepare for an experience like no other.

Why do you love burning? I get to immerse myself into a loving culture where I can be myself and challenge myself in a way where I feel safe.

What does consent mean to you? Consent is respecting the wishes of those I interact with.

What keeps you sane in Defaultia? The knowledge that we all are on a path..... and I have a score of friends willing to walk next to me.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A big kid.

What's your snack of choice? Smores

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