Mosaic Experiment 2020 Update

Greetings burners! 

Today we’re reaching out to offer an update on the status of Mosaic Experiment 2020. With all the changes we’ve seen since the start of the year, we are desperately wanting to be together and burn with each of you. You can think of us as standing at your side, art and creativity at the ready, sharing your frustration as event after event cancels. We desperately want to gather, burn and build our intentional world between the trees of Reclaim once again this year. In a perfect world, this would be all we could ask for, but it isn’t a perfect world right now.

Will our burn happen this year? We’re weighing all the possibilities and giving things a bit more time to evolve before making our final call. With our event happening in early October, we’re a bit later than most and have some room to see what happens next. Like many burns, our first concern is to focus on the health and welfare of our attendees. It may be safety third much of the time but this is not a safety third kind of moment. Mosaic Experiment will make a final decision in July and we will share that with you at that time. In the meantime we will soon release a FAQ regarding event preparation delays (registrations, early entry, etc.) and our cancellation policy (refunds, etc) so please hold your questions until we can get that out to you. We're building it now.

When you selected “Through The Looking Glass” as your theme for this year we’re betting none of you saw how much we would all be looking for our burns through a looking glass. We haven’t given up hope yet, but we will keep you informed.