Burner Resume: Corvus

Burner Handle: Corvus

Defaultia Region of Origin: Somewhere between Cincinnati and Reclaim.

Years Burning/home burn: This will be my 3rd year burning. Scorched 2019 was my home burn.

NSFW: Most likely.

Years of Servitude, ahem, volunteering: Second year on the MOrg, first year flying solo.

Lead Role:

The Crow of Promo/Renegade Raven of Reclaim/Magnanimous Magpie of the Mud/Friendly Bluejay of the Razorgrass Playa-y. In short, an agent of the chaotic good.


I wanted to be involved with how these events are created and share that with as many people as possible. Also, I blame Showman entirely for bringing me on board, the charisma involved was just irresistible.

Why does your dept matter?

Have you ever heard of Mosaic Experiment? You probably wouldn’t have if promo wasn’t a department. Aside from keeping the community engaged as much as possible during the off-season, promo plays a big role in what and when anything we announce is posted on all of our various media outlets.

Why does volunteering improve your burn/make you happy/work for you?

I feel like I’m a part of something bigger than myself and the time and energy that I put into what I do is going to enrich the experiences of others who attend.

Why should someone consider volunteering for you?

Glory and riches beyond your wildest imagination.

What's your favorite volunteer story?

I’m sure I’ll have some after this year, for sure.

What's your choice nugget of wisdom for a virgin?

Always bring a towel if you decide to enjoy the opportunity to exercise your expression through naturism. No one wants pucker marks on their camp furnishings when you sit down. Also… don’t be afraid to have new experiences. Listen to your intuition and NEVER do anything you don’t consent to, but give yourself the freedom to live in the moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the unknowns that the future holds back in Defaultia.

What's your best burner skill:

Being a mirror.

What's your drink of choice?


What keeps you sane in Defaultia?

Obsessively diving into some kind of project or hobby, whether it’s music production, gardening, kayaking, or just hiking through the woods. I have to stay busy.

Why do you love burning?

Being Home is the only time that I am able to embrace my true self and share that with people without constant judgement. Where I live in Defaultia, I’m surrounded by people that look down on those who are different in any way.

Has burning changed your life? How?

Definitely. I came to my first burn just a couple months after ending a 7 year emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist. My self-worth, confidence, and sense of self were completely destroyed. The journey that I embarked on and the people I have met and gotten close to through the burn community have allowed me to introspect and grow in ways I could have never imagined beforehand. I’ve been able to confront my shadows and trace back my traumas and understand why I’ve made bad decisions in my past in order to stop repeating the same unhealthy patterns in my life.

What does consent mean to you?

Freedom. It’s the freedom to say no without fear. It’s the freedom to ask and accept that it’s okay to be told no. It is the freedom to exercise your boundaries without shame or guilt. It’s something that needs to be incorporated in every aspect of our lives in order to live our truths and express ourselves without causing harm or being caused harm.

Which principle is primary for you and why?

Radical Self Expression. I live in a demographically repressive area. I can’t walk down my street wearing a flowing satin cloak and a kilt and not expect to be physically harmed by someone. There are few places in Defaultia where I am able to express myself fully without fearing an unprovoked repercussion.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Alive. Not simply existing, but truly alive.

What's your snack of choice?


What groceries do you bring to a burn?

Mostly dehydrated camp food. It’s fast, easy, and gives me the calories I need in order to return to the everything that’s going on.

What are your top 5 decomp tips?

Bathe, you are covered in a layer of funk. Eat a good meal and take your time enjoying it. Cry, you will need to release something emotionally, allow yourself the time to process and feel everything. Sleep, your body has been in survival mode, give it the rest it needs to reset. Do not be too critical of yourself if it takes awhile to unpack and put away your gear, be kind to yourself and listen to your body’s needs.

How has burning changed Defaultia for you?

It’s helped me to have more compassion for people. We all hold traumas. We all feel some sense of imposter syndrome. No one has all the answers. We can’t even begin to understand the motivations of other people and why they do the things they do because their experiences are singular to their reality. All we can do is take a step back when someone makes us angry and realize that it isn’t about us and not to take it personally, because we are all out here in the dark together with only a little candle to light our way through life.

If you could go to a burn anywhere in the world, which one would you attend and why?

Kiwiburn. I visited NZ in 2007 and absolutely loved it. I have a couple friends that went in 2020 before the pandemic and heard a lot of good things about what they’re doing down there in the South Pacific.