Need-Based Tickets Donations Extended to September 13th!

Hey everyone! We're reaching out with a heartfelt ask to support the Need Based Tickets Program for Mosaic Experiment. Your contribution can make a world of difference and truly enhance the event for everyone involved.

Imagine this: by donating, you're not just purchasing a ticket, you're investing in the very essence of Mosaic. Your support enables us to welcome diverse perspectives, voices, and creativity to the experience. It's about making Mosaic an even more dynamic and inclusive community.

Some might wonder if their contribution matters in the grand scheme of things. Let us assure you, every donation, big or small, adds up. Your generosity has a collective impact, allowing more people to be part of this extraordinary event.

Right now, we're looking to raise a total of $2100 to match the 23 remaining requests for Need Based Tickets. Why now? The September 13th deadline isn't just a date – it's an opportunity. In these challenging times, let's show our commitment to communal effort. The ripple effect of your support echoes far beyond the event itself.

So let's come together and spread the word. Your additional donation not only enriches your experience but also provides a chance for those who've faced financial constraints to join in the fun. Remember, it's not just a deadline – it's a meaningful step towards making Mosaic Experiment a remarkable success.

Let's make it happen!

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