Need Based Tickets Now Accepting Donations for 2024!

The Need Based Tickets Program is returning for 2024!

Incredibly successful in both 2023 and 2022, the Need Based Tickets Program relies on Communal Effort through your donations in order to help provide tickets to those who need a little extra support in our community.

While we haven't opened the request forms yet for the program, we are now accepting donations via our PayPal account at

Help make sure that everyone who wants to attend can be included at this year's Mosaic Experiment by being a rock star Burner and paying it forward.

For more info on the program, visit:

Need-Based Tickets Program Re-Opening for Requests on Thursday, 9/21/23

Due to a surplus of unclaimed funds, the NBT program is RE-OPENING to a limited number of requests Thursday 9/21 at NOON EST.

To make a request, fill out the NBT Request Form ONCE IT HAS RE-OPENED. The form will not be open if you click on it before this Thursday at noon EST.

Form Link:

Requests will be met in the order they are received until remaining funds are utilized. We expect to be able to meet between 2-5 additional requests, depending on the level of funding requested.

If your request can be met, you will be notified ASAP and have TWELVE (12) hours to respond and accept your request. Offers will be sent via email beginning at 5pm on Thursday and will be sent through Saturday morning or until funds run out.

If you do not respond within 12 hours of receiving the offer it will move to the next request in line. Requests will be met in the order they are received.

Ticket sales end at midnight Saturday, so all offers must be processed by then, hence the very short response timeline.

Need-Based Tickets Donations Extended to September 13th!

Hey everyone! We're reaching out with a heartfelt ask to support the Need Based Tickets Program for Mosaic Experiment. Your contribution can make a world of difference and truly enhance the event for everyone involved.

Imagine this: by donating, you're not just purchasing a ticket, you're investing in the very essence of Mosaic. Your support enables us to welcome diverse perspectives, voices, and creativity to the experience. It's about making Mosaic an even more dynamic and inclusive community.

Some might wonder if their contribution matters in the grand scheme of things. Let us assure you, every donation, big or small, adds up. Your generosity has a collective impact, allowing more people to be part of this extraordinary event.

Right now, we're looking to raise a total of $2100 to match the 23 remaining requests for Need Based Tickets. Why now? The September 13th deadline isn't just a date – it's an opportunity. In these challenging times, let's show our commitment to communal effort. The ripple effect of your support echoes far beyond the event itself.

So let's come together and spread the word. Your additional donation not only enriches your experience but also provides a chance for those who've faced financial constraints to join in the fun. Remember, it's not just a deadline – it's a meaningful step towards making Mosaic Experiment a remarkable success.

Let's make it happen!

Donate vial PayPal -

Need-Based Tickets Program Urgently Needs Your Donations by August 25th!

We're diving into something big, something that can turn dreams into reality for our fellow burners. Say hello to Mosaic Experiment's Need-Based Ticket Program (NBT), a shining beacon that embodies the core values of Radical Inclusion and Communal Effort. Financial limits? They won't keep passionate souls from joining our community. By chipping in for NBT, you're directly uplifting those who might miss out on the magic we all hold dear.

Now, the spotlight's on you—the vibrant heart of Mosaic Experiment. Let's talk impact. Together, we're smashing barriers and embracing all, sparking change with every donation, big or small. Our mission? Ensuring no one gets left behind. We're at the edge of something huge, with a current gap of $2270 to fill pending requests, so your support isn't just important—it's game-changing.

But hold the phone, 'cause time's ticking! Donations close on Friday, August 25th at 11:59 PM. Your contribution could be the turning point for someone longing to be a part of this transformative experience.

And here's a sweet bonus: for all full ticket donations, we're extending the Tier 1 pricing of $110. Yeah, that's right. This isn't just about Radical Inclusion—it's about active participation in making sure everyone can join in the fun. Your donation becomes the magic that lights up this collective celebration.

Ready to make a difference? Hit up the NBT page: Donating directly via PayPal? Easy peasy—just send it to

But here's the deal: your contribution isn't just about money. It's about unity, empathy, and the very essence of Mosaic Experiment. Every buck adds a splash of color to our vibrant community and crafts unforgettable experiences for all.

Let's embrace the spirit of Communal Effort. Your generosity sparks the flames of imagination, weaving a community where everyone shines, where we've got each other's backs. Because when we support one another, we create something truly extraordinary.

Need-Based Ticket Program RETURNS for 2023!

Last year the new Need-Based Ticket program was able to facilitate meeting 38 requests totaling nearly $3000 in funding!  All requests that responded to offer emails were able to be met.  This was achieved through 15 half-price tickets the MOrg allocated to the program, and the rest was met through community donations.  We want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped make this happen.

After a wildly successful inaugural year, Mosaic Experiment’s NBT Program is now open for 2023!  The program allows for community members in need to request the level of assistance that would make a ticket accessible for them based on their unique circumstances.   While one participant may be able to afford a ticket at $20 off the total cost, another participant may not be able to attend unless their ticket is fully funded.  The NBT program also provides flexibility in responding to fluctuating levels of community need. Combining MOrg allocated half-price tickets with community donations creates the opportunity to meet more NBT requests than the organization could afford to fund purely on its own.  

The program will be open to requests through Friday August 18th and will accept donations through Friday August 25th. 

If you would like to make a request for ticket funding assistance, please first read the updated NBT Program Information on our website.  There you will find a link to the 2023 request form. 

If you would like to donate towards the program, you can send your donation directly to on PayPal.  If you would like to donate an entire already purchased ticket or would like to provide additional information regarding your intended donation, please fill out the NBT Request & Donations Form, which you can find on the NBT Program page.

Questions, comments, concerns?
