Art Grant Fundraiser on August 10th

Get together for an incredible night of participant-led fun, community, and creativity as we raise funds to support art installations at the region's newest Burning Man event: The Mosaic Experiment.

  • Where: The KOI Pound - 2008 Freeman Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214
  • When: Saturday, August 10th from 5:00pm to noon Sunday
  • Cost: $10 cover grants entry and 4 art tickets.
  • Extra art tickets will be sold at $2 a piece.
  • All ages event!
  • No dogs

The Event:

This year's art installation submissions will be on display at the venue, and the artist will be available to explain and present their ideas. As a paid participant, you can directly decide which art installations will receive your donations!

Art Tickets:

Each paid participant receives 4 art tickets. Each ticket represents $2. Give your art tickets to those art installations you'd most like to see at Mosaic this year. After the event, each artist will receive the funds donated to their project, which will then be used for making their designs come to life. Additional art tickets can be purchased for $2 a piece at Gate.

Submitting Your Art:

Shoot an email to leslie[at]colorplay[dot]org, or if you're on Facebook, please contact Razzle Mantis or Lucy LaFae as early as you're able to have your project included on the submission roster. Please explain your ideas in full: intent for the piece, scope of the project, the dollar amount you need in order to create the piece, and whether you intend to burn this art.

Displaying Your Art at the Fundraiser:

Please arrive on time and prepared! The longer your art is on display, the more people will be able to peruse it and decide. Be prepared to present your art! Talk with people about your ideas, and get them excited.

You will have your own table space to display models, drawings, schematics, etc.


Party Details!

If you'd like to play music, you are welcomed to bring your gear. If we ask you to turn it down, you will do so or be unplugged.

If you would like to spin fire, please bring your own gear and fuel. Gasoline and Kerosene are prohibited. You must have a spotter with a towel or blanket on hand during the entirety of your burn.

Please remember this is an ALL AGES event. If you are planning on bringing your little ones to The Mosaic Experiment, this would be a wonderful way to introduce them to the community and get them excited for what's to come. Children must be accompanied by an adult and properly supervised.

Facebook event:


I already told you! It's at the KOI Pound, silly! 2008 Freeman Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214

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